Talent Jumo
Talent Jumo was originally a teacher, specalising in women and health. She became a Gender Officer in the HIV programme of the Community Working Group on Health in 2005, and in 2007 she co-founded the Young Women’s Leadership Initiative, which went on to become the Katswe Sistahood.
In 2012, she became the Sistahood’s Director, which promotes women’s rights and knowledge about sexual health.The organisation has since won international awards, such as being one of the 20 winners of the With and For Girls award in 2015.

Tendai Kanonge
Finance and Administration Manager
Tendai has 15 years experience working in the NGO sector. She holds a Qualification with the Southern African Association of Accountants (SAAA). Tendai has a background in the banking sector and also loves working with young women in marginalised communities.

Debra Mwase
Programme Manager
Debra has been working with NGOs in Zimbabwe since 2008. Her work includes advocacy and lobbying for women’s rights as well as environmental justice for women. From 2004-2006 Debra was an active member of the Harare Youth Empowerment Project which was aimed at transforming conflictual relationships among young people using sustained dialogue. As a result of her work on the Harare Youth Empowerment Project, Debra was chosen to be one of the international fellows at the Kettering Foundation (Ohio), where she undertook research on sustained dialogue and deliberative democracy. Between 2009 and 2010 Debra was awarded the King’s College London Women, Peace and Security Fellowship. At King’s College Debra undertook research on UNSCR 1325 and Natural Resource Conflict in Southern Africa. Before she joined Katswe Sistahood, Debra worked in the Social and Human Sciences sector at the UNESCO Regional office for Southern Africa. Debra holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Degree and a Masters in Women’s Law from the University of Zimbabwe.

Nadene R. Musekiwa
Pepeta Zimbabwe Coordinator
Nadene Msekiwa is a young activist who is passionate about the rights of adolescent girls and young women. She advocates for the emancipation of the woman at all levels, social, economic and political. She is a holder of a Bachelor Honours Degree in Political Science with the University of Zimbabwe. Nadene is currently working as a Programs Officer at Katswe Sistahood and as the Zimbabwe Coordinator for the Pepeta Africa Regional Network. She has gained exceptional skills at advocacy work through fulfilling various roles in her post. These include facilitating training workshops on building and running campaigns, coordinating advocacy initiatives through the Feminists on Campus Project. Through this project Nadene has played a role in advocating for the end to period stigma through the Happy Flow Campaign by teaching young girls to embrace their periods as well as various initiatives to source out reusable pads, especially to the less privileged girl child. She has also been part of teams that lobby Government Parliamentarians and policy makers on issues concerning provision of free sanitary wear in schools in Zimbabwe. She has taken part in facilitation and co-facilitation of national and regional meetings as well as writing articles and poems on advocacy at both national and regional level. Being a poet, she uses art for artvocacy in her line of work to express and articulate her views on all issues SRHR related. She coordinates monthly poetry slams where she artists come to have conversation concerning issues affecting them such as child marriage, abortion, the political economy among many others. Nadene is currently working on a regional project that seeks to strengthen the civic engagement of young women as well as building their capacity in feminist leadership.

Diana Motsia
Communications Officer
Diana Motsi is a young African feminist who is passionate about art because it has given her the voice she needs to express herself and stand for the social justice of women. She is a digital design enthusiast and is passionate about defending the position of women in the society. As a political scientist, and photographer she uses her passion and skill as a photojournalist and poet to communicate to the world her analysis of an unjust and unequal society, where girls and young women’s lived realities are punctuated by different forms of violence.
She tells the story of woman hoping those in positions of influence listen, she expects them to listen, challenges them to listen and forces them to listen.

Otilia Chinyani
Programme Officer
A vibrant and passionate feminist. Holds an Honors Degree in Development Studies. She has more than 4 years experience working and supporting young women led advocacy on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights matters. She believes that investing in women and girls’ rights is prerequisite for the attainment of the sustainable development goals. Her role in Katswe Sistahood includes coordinating the Pachoto Movement Building agenda with community activists.
Otilia championed the #Staying Negative Campaign together with community activists; a programme that saw the birth of the Mhodzi (seeds) Girls Education Fund.

Nancy Nothando Chabuda
Programme Officer
Nancy Nothando Chabuda is passionate about working with girls and women in helping them to raise their voices on issues of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, specifically on issues regarded as taboo such as abortion, sex work, and the rights of LBT women (lesbian, bisexual and transgender).
A holder of an Honors Degree in Bachelor of Arts in Geography and Religious Studies, Nancy has 4 years experience supporting communities of young women in Zimbabwe engage in advocacy processes towards the attainment of their rights. Nancy manages Katswe Sistahood’s referral and management system, with a focus on securing support and services for young women who walk into our Young Women’s Empowerment and Innovation Centre.

Fadziso-Fadzisa Mawunganidze
Programme Officer
Fadziso- Fadzisai Mawunganidze holds a Bachelor of Arts degree majoring in History and Communication with Catholic University in Zimbabwe. She also has a Masters in Gender and Policy Studies from Great Zimbabwe University. She has 7 years working experience in Zimbabwean civil society 4 years in governance and democracy issues, and 3 years in SRHR. She has experience in participatory facilitation methodologies. She is also passionate about the education of the girl child especially in rural areas. Fadziso is currently supporting implementation of programmes in Mbire, where she continues to inspire young women and girls to stay in school, challenge the practice of child marriage. She also initiated livelihoods projects in order to address poverty at the household level, as a way to avert child and forced marriages.

Chengetayi Rossah Chininga
Programme Officer
A passionate feminist and women’s rights activist who is committed to improving the lives of girls and women in Zimbabwe. She is a holder of an Honors Degree in Sociology awarded by the University of Zimbabwe. Chengetayi also went through Training for Transformation (Cape Town) where she attained a Diploma in Development Education and gained experience in participatory facilitation methodologies, organisational development, social analysis and popular education amongst others. She also has diverse voluntary work experience, and of special mention is her participation in the Fredkorpset Young Women Leadership Exchange Program in Zimbabwe, South Africa and Norway. Chengetayi is passionate about social accountability and has proactively participated in the drafting and operationalization of an AGYW-led accountability framework as a way to improve transparent recognition and tracking of commitments and resources invested towards attainment of SRHR and HIV targets for AGYW. Additionally, she has experience in the Global Fund Grant writing processes as she actively participated and represented AGYW in Zimbabwe during the 2020 National Global Fund Grant Writing process.
Currently, Chengetayi is working on the SASA! Faith project in Kwekwe where she is effectively engaging and mobilizing faith communities to promote non-violent and gender equitable relationships in a bid to prevent Sexual and Gender Based Violence and HIV in Zimbabwe.

Kudzai Mangombe
Programme Officer
Kudzai Mangombe holds a Baschelor Honors in Sociology Development and Gender Studies with Women’s University in Africa. She has worked with various NGOs as a Research Assistant. Working as a Research Assistant is what motivated her to start working with young girls and women. She is hugely passionate about working towards comprehensive reproductive health and rights for Adolescent Girls and Young Women.

Opportunity Makanga
Programme Assistant
Opportunity Makanga is an energetic young woman who is passionate about the rights of young women and girls. She is currently studying a Bachelors of Social Sciences in development Studies with The Catholic University of Zimbabwe. Her desire lies in the upliftment of women’s lives and their rights. She loves telling women’s stories and plight through art.

Paidamoyo P Muganyi
Programme Assistant
Paidamoyo Muganyi holds a Bachelor of Laws (Honours) Degree from the University of Zimbabwe. She is a young gender activist who is passionate about the realisation of women’s rights. She believes that a better world for women will be attained through advocacy and lobby and to do so she has been resorting to writing policy briefs, petitions and position papers in a bid to hold accountable relevant authorities as well as push for change in policies which are not favourable for women. Paidamoyo is also helping young women and girls know and understand their Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights through the mobile legal clinics and paralegals trainings in marginalised communities.
Paidamoyo is also currently working towards preventing violence against women through the promotion of gender equitable relationships using the SASA!Faith model were she coordinates the Pachoto Movement Building agenda with community activists in order to influence self-introspection within faith communities for sustainable change.
She also championed in the #ReclaimingCopaCabanna4thStreet march which resulted in improved response by police officers at kombi ranks thus ensuring safety for women.