When she mentioned him, it showed she despised him, “He irritates me”, she said frowning her beautiful face. He wanted to just have a ‘talk’ with her and she kept refusing. Just like any other guy wooing a girl, he kept on pursuing her until she got used to him being around. The idea of the tall buffy guy stalking her got into her head and she became obsessed. She told me about him again, but this time around her tone had changed. I saw a difference, she really liked him. She could not admit it but it was written all over her face. The glow in her eyes, the smile she made whenever she mentioned his name. It gave her an uncontrollable excitement, it aroused her and it was obvious that my friend was in love. They got together. She said he was the most amazing thing that had ever happen to her, “too good to be true”. He was the perfect guy I equally adored, he made my friend happy.
Until she came back with a black eye. He started showing the dark side of him that scared the hell out of my friend. She was scared of him, his actions, and what he could do to her. But she stayed. She loved him. As a concerned friend I told her to leave him yet she didn’t think it was necessary because it was only the first time. She gave him a second chance. It happened again, hence I confronted him which caused her to have to choose between the two of us. When she chose him over me I was not angry, but I was scared for her. She had fallen deep and he took advantage of her. He was manipulative. The beatings continued and got worse, he would force himself on her. She confided in me and I told her that was rape. She could not believe her own boyfriend could rape her. She needed help, but the first step was for her to realize there was something wrong. Unfortunately, she was stubborn and walked away. That was the last time I saw her. The next time I did, it was at her funeral. I failed her. I could have done more. We buried her. My friend.
Written by Opportunity Makanga @Female